I swear, I lay a lot of the blame for the divisiveness of modern culture along with the pervasiveness of fact denialism at the feet of social media – but on TOP of killing our familial relationships and undermining our democracy, social media has made it really hard for local bands to get word to their local fans. It seems that if you don’t show up in someone’s feed, you don’t exist – but people don’t seem to understand what’s required to show up in someone’s feed! Unless they’re interacting with the page already, it requires either coincidence or paid placement to get it in front of their eyes. And a little local band doesn’t have the money to pay to place something in front of your eyes. We’ve got ALL these things in place. IlyAIMY.com and the mailing list have existed for almost 20 years. We have Reverbnation, and Facebook, and Twitter. And really, I’m thinking about getting rid of ALL of it except the basics: ilyAIMY.com and the mailing list. I can’t realistically do that, but with Twitter foundering right now, I do hope it dies a slow, horrible, racist-warring troll-enabling death, and I’d give anything to see Facebook go the way of Myspace…
If Facebook vanished from the face of the earth, I’d just HAVE to find some other way to fill an hour or two of my Life every day, wouldn’t I? Bleah. Yeah – woke up angry. That’s not true. Woke up. Got angry in the space of 120 seconds. Because that’s how long it took for that “fan’s” laments of not being able to find me… to find me. If you know the name of the band, you can find out where we’re playing. End of story.