November 16th, 2016.

The Darkest Timeline was my featured artist on November 14th – they’re one of my favourite local entities and the combination of Juels Bland and Zach Parkman is truly stunning. Both are great writers, both are great guitarists – and Juels’ voice is truly unique, with Zach’s more traditional vocals providing a pretty marvelous counterpoint. There’s humour and passion and proficiency and nerdy writing. Check them out.

So, 15 years ago today Heather Lloyd and I played our first show together. Over the years we’ve traveled most of the country together, played innumerable shows, seen Life, death – we’ve been many things to one another and at the end of the day (or 15 years worth of days) I’d choose no other partner. We’ve ridden trains and boats and horses together, played bait shops and clothing optional resorts. Together we’ve petted snakes and kittens and donkeys and covered the distance to the Moon and back in 4-cylinder cars. We’ve knit people together with our music, and we’ve outlasted presidents and other peoples’ marriages, all because our Love for one another and for what we make together rises above all. Mwah.

The first open mic post-election was a sparse night. Plenty of names for the list, but not much in the way of an audience. Some stunning new people and plenty of old friends to make sure we all felt like the world hadn’t dissolved. Happy Teavolve!

We’ve had bad times and good times and we fight like a married couple, but we’re strong and powerful like a married couple too. Thick and thin, sickness, health, cancer and family strife – great shows and shitty shows – she got my through my first drinking experience, introduced me to stand up comedy, Sex in the City, Friends, New Orleans and some of the best sushi in town. She’s half of my voice, she is my memory and my conscience.

Happy fifteen years Heather Aubrey Lloyd!

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