November 19th, 2016.

Kristen gives our friend Bill a fist bump before we kick off at the New Deal Cafe in Greenbelt, MD – November 18th, 2016.

I’m watching V. Not that silly thing with Hugo Weaving where the solution to all of the world’s fascism is to magically teleport hundreds of tons of explosives into a highly secured government building. Not the remake with Morena Baccarin. I’ve never watched that. I’m curious, but have my fear that, as with all remakes, it’s just a sexed up version with less teeth. Nope. I’m talking Mark Fucking Singer (you know, the REAL Beastmaster) and 80’s special effects and young hoods who check to make sure the television that weighs as much as he does with a screen the size of his hand WORKS before he steals it. Bad mattes and tucked in t-shirts and the very shortest of shorts.

Thanks to William Chrapcynzki for capturing this smiley moment of Rowan and I on stage at the New Deal Cafe in Greenbelt, MD – November 18th, 2016. Though we made a big deal of Heather and I having played together for the past 15 years – it’s Rowan and I that met here at New Deal Cafe a couple of years before that… it’d be cool to figure out the date, but I think there are simply no records… not even cassettes?!?!

V. Humankind’s last stand. Until the follow up series. V. Two weeks ago it was a fun 80’s memory similar to Knight Rider and the ORIGNAL Battlestar Galactica. Hell, it’s sort of amazing it WASN’T produced by Glen Larson.

But this week – it’s a heavy-handed allegory about a charismatic leader promising impossible things and an easily-lead, fearful populace all too happy to hand him the keys – a golden man who comes forth and first promises the world and then proceeds to rape it. A tiny resistance driven underground by fascists with complete control and big guns – persecution of the educated scientific elite. Sigh. Now it’s origins “It Can’t Happen Here” seem all too close to home.

In other notes – probably one of the first viral marketing campaigns ever.

I have a headache. I’m exhausted. I’m watching 80’s sci fi. I’ve got a gig tonight. Had a great gig last night. Had a difficult series of text messages this morning, but now it looks like everything’s going to be okay. You know. Today.

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