November 24th, 2016.

Running around and playing in the leaves in Catonsville. Fall hath fallen, but is still in full fall force.
Ha! Cora came to my Teavolve open mic and we danced and also frolicked.

Headed North for Thanksgiving – to New York state to celebrate with Kristen’s sister’s family. It’s great, patches of silver sunlight fight to push through the pall, but generally the light that hits the ground is exhausted and watery.

As always, there’s an awful feeling of incompleteness leaving the house without guitars and sound systems. This feeling like I MUST be forgetting something. This feeling like I need a comfort PA simply to get through the next couple of days.

So, though I took a couple of pictures of Kristen exploring her brother-in-law’s VR rig, this was kind of the best thing – Kristen’s neice in her happy red holiday dress battling hordes of virtual attackers in a rig that would make the Major proud! Happy Thanksgiving!
More Thanksgiving….

I-95 just free up. Surely temporary, but the crush of the past half hour was claustrophobic. The spectacular crushed rear end of an SUV serves to remind travelers that they really DO need to stay attentive, even on the holidays. We’re listening to Patty Griffin’s new album and it’s a welcome respite from the mechanical precision I’ve heard too much of recently. Clean, but organic. Some cool sounds, interesting trumpet and distortion choices. Her voice, as always, strident and powerful and commanding and emotive. She doesn’t match this highway, but maybe she’s crooning to careening minivans that seem to insist on smashing into one another. The GPS just reported another accident ahead. Our eyes are scanning the horizon and the brakelights… and the slowdown begins.

My kingdom for highways filled with self-driving cars. (yay! Merging from 5 lanes to one! Huzzah!)

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