First night out – June 15th finds Joey and Kristen and I performing at Brixton Brews in Rochester, PA. We had a fun time despite the fact that NONE of our people showed up. I found this really discouraging, but Joey was unflappable and had a great time – and we made new fans and friends with the locals, sold some discs and ate the finest in crab-stuffed jalapeno peppers wrapped in bacon. After the show we ended up just chatting with Frank, the owner, for like an hour, swapping stories and thoughts and music. It’s been his family bar for over half a century but when he took it over after his dad died he’s really stamped his own more artistic flair on what was apparently once a pretty run-of-the-mill small town Pennsylvania neighbourhood bar – the chalk art is his, he built the stage – and this bizarre beer cave + altar has been constructed in honour of the fact that now they’re even brewing their own – something unimaginable and frankly (no pun intended) illegal back when his father ran the place.
After the show in Rochester, we retreated to our friend Colleen’s place and made friends with her cats. The left is the scardiest of beests and the right is the sweetest….

West bound somewhere in Ohio – hating my Surface. I don’t mean my skin – I mean the device on which I’m typing. Set aside the whole shattered screen debacle (have I told that tale? It’s basically a long anti-Microsoft rant) the damned thing doesn’t shut down completely in sleep mode, causing it to drain utterly last night and shut down improperly, killing my outlook libraries – resulting in an inability to access my address book, etc – now plenty of people would point out that this is exactly why you keep things on the cloud – but I’d point out that no, this is exactly why one should purchase machines that simply fucking work.

As I sit here typing the mousepad fades in and out of usability. I can’t use the pen because the surface of the Surface is too hot (?) the battery is charging erratically and … well… gripe gripe gripe. Surface is a bad purchase. A very expensive bad purchase. Fuck.

And so somewhere on this tour I might have to purchase some sort of minimalist machine to get by on – cause this is kind of bullshit. BAH.

What I MEANT to say was that last night playing as rob and Kristen and Joey kind of freaked me out but garnered some new fans. My only disappointment … and it’s a big disappointment … is that the masses of fans that normally come to see us in Pittsburgh were absent. Our friend Colleen came out, but absolutely no-one else. The owner Loved us, we sold CDs, we made new friends and fans but none of our regulars were in evidence – and I can either point to the fact that we’ve come through twice in relatively swift succession (I’d check the dates but my Surface’s power failure has fucked up my local calendar file) – first with Mr. Small’s and second at Hollywood Garden where we played again last night – or it’s what my eternal internal paranoia tells me – that our fans won’t come see a rob show, they’ll only come see us if Heather’s part of the band.

Whatever. We put on one Hell of a show and by all accounts Heather put on one Hell of a show as well out in Colorado. She won the preliminary round out in Telluride and has advanced to the next round. She competes again today and will probably continue to kick an awful lot of ass – cause that’s her way.

Anywho – enough whining out of me. We’re continuing down route 30 west towards Findlay, OH where we’ll hit up Coffee Amici, introducing Joey to one of the finest coffeehouse music venues in the eastern-mid-west (is that a thing? Western North East?) and my computer will continue chewing trying to salvage my corrupt Outlook file so I can get my Takoma Park Folk Festival contacts back together so I can function effectively….


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NO open mic in Catonsville this week! See you at Morsbergers on the 16th!