Music Brings Us… Together?!??!

I’m not clear-headed this day. Up till 3am, body woke me up at 7.30 – the GPU on my computer outputs a LOT of heat so though I got right down to the video editing that needed to get done, the data offload that I’d LIKE to get done, the Life the Universe, the EVERYTHING that should get done – it’s just so freakin’ hot down here that it’s hard to focus. So I’ll just lay out what is fishing around in my mind about last night…

I was SURE no-one was coming out. Torrential rains caused flooding through much of the area, friends were turning around due to closed roads – it was just the immediate Teavolve family at first… and then we spotted the rainbow!

Oh right, THAT’S what music does.

Last night at Teavolve I had a bunch of family there. Family that I haven’t spoken to, mostly that I’d never met. But my mother knew my cousin’s daughter had been playing and singing and asked if she’d be interested in coming to my open mic and… they done brought EVERYBODY. Some of these people I feel like… well, I’ll say that politically and socially speaking, I don’t feel like I have very much in common with them – and haven’t since I was in high school. But we sat and we had a really great time in a room together, brought together by music.

It’s cliché, and I said it better in my head last night. Hell, I think I said it better to the featured artist last night who looked at me like “duh – that’s what music DOES!!!”

And how did I not mention my featured artist? Sol Roots is a stunning guitarist – passionate and proficient. We had a lot of GREAT players in the room last night, and yet still we ran short so me and Sol got to jam at the end of the night. THIS – where you’re reminded that you’re using an entirely different language, lilting over one another’s chords and playing with time… Sol calls me “brother” in the way that so many musicians do – he’s one of the few who doesn’t make it feel like some silly statement – but a statement of … well… musical brotherhood!

In the bars and in the coffeehouses, in the rat race and in my personal struggle to survive… I guess I forgot.

Here’s to being reminded again *clink* and here’s to discovering that there’s another musician in my family!

My first cousin (is that right? the daughter of my cousin?) Courtney – great voice – very glad to host her at Teavolve! I think the only other musician that I know of in the (blood-related)  family is my father’s mother who, I hear tale, played mandolin before my Dad was born.

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3 thoughts on “Music Brings Us… Together?!??!

  1. Susan Schneider says:

    …nope, the daughter of your cousin is your first cousin, once removed. Your children (or your brother’s) would be her second cousins. Your first cousins are offspring of your parent’s siblings

      1. Susan Schneider says:

        Not if you are at a Travis family reunion!!! We have quizzes on this shit! I wish my second once removed Lars could have hosted you!


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