I covet other’s bodies. I don’t mean I lustfully desire the physical charms of someone other than my wife… I mean I covet inhabiting a form other than mine.
And I don’t mean that I wish to get RIPPED.
I mean, that’d be great, but patience and will and genes and desiring chocolate and fried chicken has always, and probably WILL always, mean that’s not in the cards.
Mmm. Cards.
Now I want to play Magic.
Magic too, will keep me from getting “ripped”.
No – I mean… I really covet other CREATURE’S bodies. Or… at least parts thereof. Like… not the typical things. Wings would be all fine and good but I would just get into no end of trouble and the government would really desire getting involved with my parts.
I want tentacles. I’d be a BEAST on guitar with another set of arms, but a set of TENTACLES would really allow for a level of chaos that shall never be available to my endoskeletal appendages.
Oh… my kingdom for a pair of tentacles.
No suckers, please.
1 thought on “September 5th, 2018. The Body I Always Wanted.”
ohhhhh…this is one of those fanciful attention deficit sleigh rides…wanna go ride bikes????
hee! That’s a helluva glare ya gots der…hee again!