September 28th, 2018 – why is my head?

Last night’s show in Richmond was really kind of marvelous – and a slap in the face to me to remind me a can never get complacent with my memory. Truly, I had a hideously off-night as it came to lyrics. My banter was on, my storytelling was solid, my guitar playing was awesome – right up until the last song where I got lost in the solo of LooseN. But lyrics… lyrics were like massive blank spots looming before me in my mind.

And of course, the more I thought about it, the worse it got. Heather’s seen this before, where I’ll get distracted and then get really in my head about it, and it’s this horrible self-sabotaging behaviour because it GENERALLY occurs when it REALLY counts. To the point that last night, after the show, it almost got me thinking it’s time for me to have lyrics with me on stage, but I’d be so ashamed by that. Maybe keywords of some sort to get my mouth going…

Part of me thinks it’s because I was SO caffeinated yesterday. A couple of coffee in the morning, an iced coffee that I’d been sipping on all day, plus a Nitro that I nabbed at a really Lovely local coffeeshop (where we’ve returned today, where I’m typing from now) but I fear it was really because we had the first good audience we’d had in a long time and I was just… panicking.

Which is pathetic when you drill down into it. The idea that I’ve been playing to 10 or 20 or 30 people for so long that an audience twice that size now leaves me nerve-wracked and edgy? That’s absolutely pathetic. I’m not ENTIRELY sure I buy into that because, like I said, my storytelling and banter was lithe and agile… but


I don’t know that I got through a single song without stumbling on lyrics. Right from the get-go. I couldn’t get through the chorus of Oklahoma. For such a great night, it was also a really, really bad one.


I got through the MARC without stumbling on any words.

1 thought on “September 28th, 2018 – why is my head?

  1. suzibird says:

    I’ve never, ever, EVER, been able to believe just HOW MANY words you people keep in your heads and then spew out complete with playing and singing! And I see lots of peeps onstage with their lyrics…..
    Do what you must……


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