November 22nd, 2018.

We’ve been spending entirely too much time careening up and down I-95 these past few weeks. One tour, then NERFA, and now Thanksgiving.Really. Teleportation. I want it. Rip my atoms and molecules and fling themheartily from place to place. Rebuild me from constituent local starstuffs. I am only data. A standing wavefront. Send my mind via ansible.

Monday November 12th, freshly back from NERFA – Nick and Luke join me at my Teavolve open mic.

Sigh. It’s a brilliant day, but crystal and freezing. You wouldn’t know it from the interior of our little racing box unless you are foolhardy enough to lean your head against the window. Depending on how lulled you are by the warm sunshine falling on your skin, the icy windows are either a welcome bracing shock to the system – or a nasty surprise. Sunshine tiger stripes onto us as we judge gaps in traffic, wend our way around tired truckers and irate holiday-bound SUVs.

I really wish I’d gotten the photo of what happened, not what happened after – our shows at 7 Locks are hit and miss – massive warehouse space, a lot of white noise, lots of children… but this night in Rockville was a LOT of fun. Many people were there specifically to see us AND there was a huge birthday party for a beautiful 70 year-old woman who was up and dancing and showing off the new tattoo she’d gotten to surprise her husband. This was right after we had most the WHOLE room dancing along with us and good times were most-decidedly perpetrated!

I spend an awful lot of my time being thankful – thankful for the Life I Live, the music I play, the people that I play it with. I’m thankful for the cat we’ve found and his bug fuzzy paws. I’m thankful that my mother likes coming out to my open mic on Monday nights because it’s the place that I often endeavour to be the best version of myself. I’m thankful for the speed of my fingers and I’m thankful that between Kristen and Heather I very rarely if ever have to drive anymore. Especially on Thanksgiving. It means I get to sit here and type about being thankful that traffics not even worse than it is, all the while Kristen curses the traffic – cause frankly SHE’S the one dealing with it.

I’m thankful that we’ve got someplace to go to, and I’m thankful that we have a home to escape from. I’ll be thankful to come home again. Hope you’re doing just as well.

upComing & inComing

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