March 14th, 2019.

Set up is set up here at Isis Music Hall in Asheville, NC.

After spending three whole days in Asheville and generally having had a slow-moving winter, the drive on to Columbus, OH and then on to Findlay, OH has felt slightly breakneck. It’s good, but it takes your breath away a little bit when you’re out of practice.

Still I’ve kept myself busy.

As Heather put the Hyundai through its paces through the mountains on the edge of North Carolina one client had a panic and I found myself struggling with rural cell signals, remoting into my computer back home, making new fliers and putting together promotional materials. By the time we’d reached Tennessee I had wrapped one job but fielded a desperate text from ANOTHER client (because it’s like… are they talking to one another? It’s literally the hardest day to deal with this) but rural Tennessee scraped up enough cell signal to nab HER materials to my computer and by the time we were in Kentucky I’d gotten an alarming day of freelance work done. Which I guess is probably one of the best ways I can spend my car-time, but – man – detailed graphics work on windy (either pronunciation is appropriate) roads is both hard AND a recipe for green-faced motion sickness.

Last night’s show at the Isis Music Hall was good – we had a bigger turnout than I’d feared, maybe less than I’d hoped. All my efforts on advertising online, including Facebook ads and everything, I don’t think they brought ANYONE out – playing the two open mics though did exactly what we wanted – about three or four tables of people bringing their friends to see the awesome band they’d only gotten a taste of the other night…. And Kristen’s Dad’s First Cousin (?) and her husband brought out a massive contingent of local visual artists. The actual performance – meh – I was NOT on my game but we had a good time, had amazing sushi (we were a little iffy about the fact that the sushi received higher billing than us on the marquee, but once we ate it it sort of made more sense).

In other news, I used the green room upright bass to show that that MIGHT be a good way to record the bassline to Heather’s tune “Demons”…

Returning back to Julie and Ty’s for the night, we enjoyed one last night of storytelling and snacking with our hosts before retreating one last time to our abode that was both mountain top and subterranean – rest up before driving up, out and away!

upComing & inComing

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