March 23rd, 2019.

So, I’m not quite as good at this as Heather is, but I had fun putting it together! I’m sending a couple of these off as thank yous… but since I’m printing them at home I’m just hoping it doesn’t rain…

It’s good to be home. You wouldn’t know it maybe, not from the outside, but the sheer Loveliness of not packing up every night – though I know it’ll wear off soon enough and I’ll once again hanker for the road, at the moment I’m definitely enjoying sitting in the sun, ignoring the cat, typing to myself.

Well, you know how it is – we’ve been away so the first step is to rebuild trust with the c- oh, actually I think we’re good. Never mind.

Monday night and Tuesday morning – rather than hang out for another night in Pittsburgh we decided to drive home. We knew that was the plan, and in hindsight it was definitely the RIGHT plan, but probably around 2 in the morning I think we were all kind of wondering WHAT it was that we were doing. Just hurtling homeward, excited about the idea of spending the night in our OWN beds.

We got home at around 3am, and then it took a half hour to unload in the dark, and then it took another half hour to get settled. And then the cat was whiny. Grateful to see us, certainly, but I got the impression he didn’t want us to think he was TOO happy to see us… all-in-all I don’t think I was really ready to bed down till dawn and so I didn’t gripe too much when a couple of hours later I received a text letting me know that my Tuesday night plans had been canceled.

SO, I’m not going into detail because I’ve been asked not to – but Heather’s Dad was sick when we got home – he’s in a much better place now (I realize after I wrote that that makes it sound like he’s dead – no, I mean everything’s fine) but thinking about him made me feel like painting. Though he’s been a huge, important part of our musical Lives HE works with his hands, on wood – and he’s got a huge heart – supportive of his family, protective and smiling. Well… not always smiling. Short version, I don’t do a lot of visual work anymore but I thought it was the right choice.

Don’t judge – me and Mosno and his friend Gela have been getting together to play Magic. Through a Series of Unfortunate Events, Tuesday night got canceled and I definitely sighed a great sigh of relief. I got up around noon, did laundry, chased the cat, caught up on some clerical work, teased the cat, went food shopping, came home and pet the cat.

Wednesday night found me at the Music Cafe in Damascus, MD recording Dan Kenny and Jeff Carn. Looking forward to working on the album!

Wednesday it was back to work, going out to Damascus to record singer/songwriter Dan Kenny. Interesting writer with a very classic folk bent, he’s got songs about going to war on his horse and he sounds like he means it. Great tunes, and I got some great footage. I have yet to get the go-ahead to move on with any mixing, but I expect that’ll be one of my next projects.

Magic got canceled, but I’m working on keeping my nerdery quotient full up. Over to Jon Patton’s place for an evening of Pathfinder, which is like D&D but even nerdier. The night was run with multiple cats, because sometimes that’s what’s necessary.

Thursday, Friday, today – more of the same. The puttering and sputtering of working from home, making the house feel like home again. Not moving. Rain and sunshine and hail and sunshine. There’s a pain in my right shoulder that implies that I’m doing SOMETHING wrong, but I can’t figure out exactly what. It’s probably a cue to take another computer hiatus, but since we just got BACK I’ve BEEN on a computer hiatus and I’m not quite sure what to make of it. The only thing I’ve been doing different with my time is painting – and this is a right-sided pain and I’ve been painting left-handed, so – so I just don’t know.

Getting old I guess.

Just getting old.

Oh Kristen Jones, I Love you but… but this is NOT the way you do pancakes.

upComing & inComing

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2 thoughts on “March 23rd, 2019.

  1. Susan Schneider says:

    So two things…did you paint from an anatomical drawing of the heart…..a-a-n-n-d WHAT is the problemo with peanut butter pancakes????


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