It’s been a long week. Kicking off with running sound down in Alexandria and a night at Teavolve that had its ups and downs (with the feature not showing up being BOTH an up AND a down!) – business lunches and program meetings, more driving than I like to do in the DC metro area – we fit in some time to go see Avengers (awesome) and keep up with Game of Thrones (awesomer) and walk the cat (awesomest). We also had to fit in some band practices and guitar repairs – more than I’d like of the latter and less than I’d like of the former. We didn’t gig at ALL outside of the Bethesda Festival of Fine Arts on Saturday afternoon which unfortunately highlighted that though there  were more guitar repairs than I’d like, there weren’t enough – putting me in the unenviable position of having to tear the OX apart AGAIN some time soon.

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