September 8th, 2019 – Takoma Park Folk Festival.

Sunday September 8th, 2019. It’s time for the Takoma Park Folk Festival! The 41st festival… possibly the 42nd year, it’s all in how you count. It all seems to be in dispute. It’s all okay though, cause I haven’t been here that long and it doesn’t matter to me at ALL.

(pictured above, Conor and the Wild Hunt at the Field Stage – his incredible voice echoing over the hills and …. well, a little bit impinging on Grassy Nook actually… reminded me I need to run over and catch a glimpse of Conor Brendan – cause I think he’s got one of the best male voices in Baltimore)

I kicked my day off at the World Stage with Orchester Praževica – Tomas Drgon’s gorgeously unpronounceable brainchild of Eastern European swing and jazz fusion.

Long time running.

THAT’S what matters.

And STILL running. Thanks to a devoted crew of volunteers, and that’s what really, REALLY matters.

It was a great day. Beautiful weather, great bands. I wandered the grounds, almost hitting 10 miles as I check on a, make sure b’s working, visit c because they’re out of ice… all in all things rolled pretty smoothly.

We lost a band right at the beginning of the day : Grove’s first band Leo & Cygnus was in a car accident. They’re okay but they didn’t make it. Grove Stage got the next band on stage about half an hour earlier and everyone was eventually happy (and hopefully we can get Leo & Cygnus down here next year).

Running from place to place at the Festival usually now means passing my handwriting everywhere. If this is going to keep going, I might have to up my calligraphic skills.

There were a couple of packet miscounts. I ran around and made sure everyone had their tokens and coupons and things.

Mostly I got to listen to music.

It was a marvelous day.

The Field Stage.

Once upon a time the Field Stage was down there on the Field.
Ron Goad – stage manager.

The Field Stage was once upon a time MY stage. I moved it away from the Field. Maybe it was wrong of me to do, but I think it’s still the right choice. I did it shortly after having played the Field in the field. Looking out to an empty hill is disheartening. People cluster to the shade of the trees and wouldn’t get too close to the stage itself, letting the artists feel abandoned on a stage that required a LOT of effort to make happen… we moved it up the hill to benefit from shade, proximity to power, a number of things that saved effort and money AND compacted the audience into a space that made you feel like you were playing to someone… I haven’t heard the end of it since, but this year the field is occupied by construction – and the spot we’d moved the Field to was occupied by construction – and the Field was on a basketball court and they gave us the wrong physical stage and I don’t know that I agree with the direction we pointed it and generally speaking… it could’ve gone better.

Hayley Fahey Band at the needs-to-be-renamed Field Stage.

But the acts ON the stage were magnificent. Despite some of the logistical PAIN that undermined the prep-work for Field Stage, we built a strong team and had a blast. I made sure to visit it frequently and every time I did I was rewarded with incredible music.

The Abbott Stage

The Abbott Stage is the traditional stage run by my friend Fred. If I had the budget and the humanpower, gosh I would get them some damned lights. One of my favourite things about the stage overall is that the sound is run by our old friend Neely Johns who is a metal head, NOT a folky. But he definitely does a great job on the stage… and doesn’t let the mix get TOO folky! (had a bass player concerned about whether or not he’d be able to hear himself because… folkies mix the bass OUT… I assured him it wouldn’t be a problem!)

Random Festival Stuff…

The Grassy Nook.

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