Frustrated. Frustrated with some sort of domain redirect that I’ve screwed up and don’t know how to unscrew. It might have me attempt restoring my whole website from a backup. This sounds like more of a pain-in-the-ass than it actually is – it’s just time consuming.
In other news, I’m trying not to dread the gig I’ve got coming up in… an hour and a half? I really REALLY don’t need to get there early, to sit in an empty bar till I play in an empty bar, but this bar is proooobably empty. In addition, there’s nothing quite like saying “I’m playing at _______” and having your cop keyboard player say “Not ______ at ______ and ______?” … why YES! Blank at blank and blank! Oh – cause gang related activity, organized crime and ALSO break-ins!

Now, I’m of the opinion that I’m not changing my activity tonight due to THAT, but it WOULD be really dumb to get mugged to / from a CRAP gig, you know?
And the last COUPLE of events have been kind of really, really lack-lustre, so I really have very little mental armour against another shitty gig. I took time off from Teavolve to do a number of showcase things and… and I probably shouldn’t have done that.
Sigh twice.

Slightly weird night, but a good night. Thank goodness for Ray and Glen who came out early and showed me that RIGHT FROM THE GET-GO I wouldn’t be all alone… and then the couple came in who thought they were coming for karaoke, but stayed for the me, and then the couple of guys who came in who came for the blues series and stayed for the rob (I mean, really, how are they advertising their Wednesday nights?) – and then Kosi and Matt Holsen popped in, and Meg and Tim came in, and Heather and Richard… I had a nice collective! Plus, Sharif, in an uncharacteristically sweet text, informed me “I Love you man, I asked Vernes to keep an eye on that corner”… so on top of everything I had… a police escort?