Winter is coming.
I guess we’re past really being allowed to use that as a catch-phrase, but I tend to Live in my chosen worlds for quite a while so, you’re probably going to have to bear up to the STARK reality of it. I mean, I’ve been putting off having faith in the changing of the seasons, but now that it’s happening, let’s get KRAKEN!
Actually, I’ve got three books open right now, and NONE of them are Game of Thrones :
I’m re-reading the Expanse series as comfort food, “Caliban’s War” is unfolding in the background of my mind in a joyous celebration of tight-fictional families up against the world….
In the Clear. Ray. Acacia Sears was on point tonight! Tom Swiss. Miles Gannett and the Miles Gannett Trio was kind of amazing tonight!
Then I’ve got my friend Sarah Pinsker’s “Sooner or Later Everything Falls Into The Sea” which – I can’t say enough good stuff about. Some stories are joyous, others beautifully sad, they are strange and EFFECTING and intense and she’s described the best treehouse EVER.
And then, one of the books I’m scared of : Terry Pratchett’s collected non-fiction, “A Slip of the Keyboard“. I’m not scared of it in a “shove it in the freezer” kind of way, but rather in a “I know this is going to get really sad in a way that I might not deal with well” kind of way. The articles, strange anecdotes, speeches and stories wander pretty broadly and are only roughly chronological, and there is an escapist joy about listening to Terry Pratchett trying to explain the war between the Autobots and Decepticons, or describing the strangely-similar-to-my-own-Life struggles of touring as a new-to-America author – but I know eventually these will turn more heavily towards Alzheimer’s and right to death. Already there are stories where he mentions his hesitations and difficulties in everyday tasks like dressing himself…
Dave Benham hijacks the Miles Gannett trio. And is pleased with the results. Robb Johnson.
I’m watching the light shift outside my basement window, and having so recently thought things like “will summer ever end”, it comes as a GREAT relief – but kind of a surprise – to be thinking “I wonder if it’ll snow this week?”
Meg Bowen. A visitor from Scotland, John Mason. John Mason also hijacked the Miles Gannett trio – and was ALSO pleased!
We’re busily planning a plan to get out west again, staring at maps, willing the points to be closer, looking at the calendar, wishing there were days inserted betwixt days.

Time and space. Ever so mutable in my chosen world of sci fi / fantasy, really just don’t back down in the face of touring.
But summer? Summer’s finally blinked and it’s FREEZING.
And I ain’t talkin’ no direwolf, friends.
Tuesday night I went to support Cris Murray’s open mic out at Blue Sky in New Market, MD. Wasn’t sure what I was getting into, but had a good time. And rediscovered a number of old friends, and rediscovered how freakin’ awesome many of them are. Like JB Dunn! And Lauren Sumner… who agreed that maybe things are a bit loud! But then was awesomely loud herself!