January 30th, 2020. Can’t sleep won’t sleep.

I think I managed to fall asleep pretty early. By 1.30 or so. But I was up again by 5. My mind’s kind of whirling and troubled. People are truly awful creatures most of the time, and perhaps at their most awful when trying to prove that they’re less awful than the next one down the line.

There’s a lot of holier-than-thou in people who believe in God. Somehow there seems to be just as much if not more in the ones that don’t. Frustrating night at my open mic last night that may well just be as much a product of me being kind of burnt out and emotionally exhausted as anything else, but people do NOT make it easy.

And an old friend has been accused of rape and is embroiled in a #metoo type scandal* that I don’t know what to make of… not that I HAVE to make anything of it. My knowledge of him, though kind of unflattering on the “how he treated women” front is also two decades out of date. It all sounds damning, and believable, but I also hate to see that his career looks completely ruined by innuendo and accusation, rather than confirmed prosecutorial guilt.

I think I’m thinking too much, but I often do. I think I’m also not sleeping because I’m depressed, but I get depressed when I don’t sleep.

*”scandal” is absolutely the wrong word… I mean, it’s not just harassment allegations but out and out rape accusations  – so I don’t mean to be diminutive at all, it’s just… ballooned so far beyond the accusations //

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