February 23rd, 2020. A good weekend and a bonnie good branch.

Sunday night was the finest of shows. Give me forty-plus people in a crowded Living over any dumb ole stadium show. I mean… I’d like to TRY a couple of stadium shows to make a solid, informed decision… but I bet I’d like the house concert better.

I’m kind of stunningly tired this morning. We came home from last night’s gig satisfyingly exhausted having played our hearts out to a packed crowd in Ellicott City. We did our Disney wind-down (Pinocchio is a terrifying movie) and I slept HARD – but this morning I have the feeling I could sleep another day.

It’s a busy week though, so I best get this coffee in me. It’s just that I keep missing my mouf.

Seriously – last night was an incredible show. I’m seeing all these advertisements for booking companies right now, pictures of big arenas and packed clubs with people waving their red solo cups around, screaming… and I can imagine that being adrenaline-packed and gratifying, but I can’t imagine you get the stories across like we do in a crowded Living room in Ellicott City on a Sunday night packed with fans and Tolkien books.

Seriously. The Hobbit translated into Latin? WHO DOES THAT?!? 

Well. Now we know. Thank you bonniebranch.org. Incredible show.

upComing & inComing

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