August 27th, 2020. Getting the BIG Little Band.

So – I’ve wanted to get Marc Evans involved with the Takoma Park Folk Festival for several years – and once he’d moved down to Takoma Park it seemed like a no-brainer, but I’ve never managed to clinch it.

This year, with a virtual version of the festival meaning I could literally just get him WHENEVER it was convenient to HIM I thought I had it in the bag. It still took a month of planning and me going and shoving Chuck the Madd Ox in my car and personally driving him to Charlie Pilzer’s studio in Takoma Park to make it happen.

It was well worth it.

Arguably the best performance of the 2020 Takoma Park Folk Festival belongs to Marc Avon Evans’ and his Big Little Band. Hilarious and moving. They made Dave Eisner tear up and Charlie Pilzer show off. Was grateful to be in the studio for the “show”.

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