September 3rd, 2020. Delicious ketchup.

I received a random piece of mail from my mom today : a packet filled with our old library lists… the family would keep spiral-bound notebooks filled with every library book we’d check out with the date due and the date returned. It’s sent me on a fun spelunking tour of our online library to re-read some childhood favourites – and coincidentally I happened to be wearing a t-shirt of one of the books from the lists… in general it’s just nice to see all of my familys’ handwriting together. It’s a strange and unique archive showing that I’ve always binge read whatever caught my interest (it’s interesting to see the sudden jags of interest in robots, cryptozoology, UFOs, whatever else – followed by me literally checking out everything in the library on the given subject), my brother’s always had horrible handwriting, my mom’s been interested in race relations my entire Life and my Dad read EVERYTHING.

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