October 3rd, 2020. Thank you.

Paul and Ashe matching and stunning and gettin’ nupped. Rowan and I had the honour of streaming the ceremony to friends and family…

More in a bit – but this weekend I got to stream a wedding for a friend, a flatpicking contest AND play an amazing show in Frederick, MD.

Alright – I’ve caught up, focused, things are clearer now. I’d say I’ve slept, and that’s strictly true, but damn I’m still tired so what’m I gonna do? Le sigh.

So Saturday had me running to and fro kind of aggressively with the morning starting off streaming Paul and Ashe’s wedding from Ashe’s office in Silver Spring. Originally this was going to be in a park near their home, but if there’s one thing that Covid’s hammered home it’s that plans are for hopeless romantics and are constantly dashed on the rocks of shifting reality. A terrible metaphor. Not sure what sort of hard thing I could use that is similar but always in motion… turtles or something. But fast, unpredictable turtles I guess.

In any case. Office. Silver Spring. It was good to see them and I Loved being near if not actually part of their ceremony – and they made pandemic LOOK GOOD with their matching masks et al.

Sunday night found us performing at Sky Stage in Frederick, MD… a sold out show (which… you know… doesn’t mean what it once did but I’ll take it) which was a masked-face-to-masked-face look at what could be our reality going forward : an audience filled with masked audience members. People were pretty respectful of it all, and it was good to see the staff stopping people, having to wait for another person to leave the space before allowing another in… I think that in a perfect world there’d have been an explanation to the party in the back that “removing your mask to drink” is literally pulling it up / down to drink and then putting it back in place, not leaving it off with one hand on the drink all night… but most people were pretty good. It’s that kind of stuff that’ll get the law of averages in place.

The place is fillin’ in nicely. The webcast went okay too! A fantabulous night.

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