As I’ve been moving the Journal I’ve been thinking about how many “can’t sleep” entries there are and about how there haven’t been any of those recently mostly because it’s been COLD and I tend to leave my computer downstairs. Instead of typing I’ll scroll through cartoons on my Instagram feed or wander through endless strings of Dungeons and Dragons memes.
Well, tonight I made sure to bring my laptop upstairs on the OFFCHANCE I’d wake up at 4am unable to fall back asleep – and voila.
Not that I have much of note to say.
I’ve been suffering from some pretty intense shoulder pain for the last week or so (ever since the day after the Institute of Musical Traditions show actually) probably caused by carrying gear for teh first time in a year and then steadily exacerbated by having a lot of computer work to do. The last couple of days I’ve evolved my desk into a standing space and that seems to have mostly solved the problem except for when I sit and watch television or sleep.
Sigh. Remember when I used to do neither of those things?
Oh – wait.
Well, in any case here I am, listening to the humidifier and enjoying how quiet my city is for a change – no drag racing, no gun shots, no dogs barking, no police helicopters, no sirens. Any second now some idiot bird will decide it’s time to sing out to the world and morning will be upon me but in the meantime I can PRETEND that all is peace and quiet. Sunday morning a year into a global pandemic even the city busses will be a bit late.
It could be argued that I should set the computer down and at least TRY to get some sleep before that happens, but it’s probably just about as convincing as the argument that I should suck it up and GET up and just face the day – especially since all I REALLY have to say is “can’t sleep, often can’t sleep – but remembered to SAY it for a change”.
No real mileage in that.
Fuck. There’s the first bird.