March 21st, 2021. Blessed to be cursed.

I had a quick little mood swing today. I am helping a singer/songwriter act called Luna and my friend Jillian Matundan put together a program based around the music of a Virginia-based singer/songwriter named Paul Koors who died a couple of years ago and it’s been quite a process. I was initially just going to be the emcee, but then they asked if I could record a cover and perform which – yay – and then I was listening to the audio of the closing group video and had specific enough suggestions that they asked me to help with the audio mixing and – well generally it’s been a lot more involvement than I counted on but it’s all been really, really good so I’m not gripin’.

Today was a all-hands-on-deck meeting and rough run through, just to expose everyone to the platform (StreamYard of course) and to me (because I’m a unique flavour) and – well it was all really good. There are such amazing performers in the world and I get to work with a lot of them. And I get jealous and frustrated and tired but really – it’s an incredible thing to be involved with.

And then I came upstairs and Kristen was listening to the Chords For Courage awards ceremony which Heather had been involved with – I’d been asked to do a song for that too but just couldn’t make it happen – but working on the song that Heather had been asked to do was really rewarding too. Recording the cello, shooting video and combining that with Heather’s video and putting the final polish on all those parts… seeing it all again “at” the show and then seeing that that won first prize? It was again this reminder that I Live a spectacular Life INFUSED with so much music and art that I take it somewhat for granted.

And wow.

But then I read an article about TikTok and it kind of comes crashing down a little bit. The idea that labels and artists are beginning to release songs specifically with 15 second hooks to take advantage of TikTok. That songs have to be released with TikTok challenges to go with them. Absolute bullshit like that.

Well. People still play acoustic guitar even though electrics came out. People still paint even though photography exists. I’d like to think that my medium will continue to exist for a little bit longer. But man… reading ANYTHING about my industry is just wearying worrying and wearing.


Let me build that first feeling back up again. Bookings are trickling in. I’m damming my soul up with art and music and friendships.

Amy threw alcohol and slugs at me today. If that’s not Love I don’t know what is.

upComing & inComing

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