For your sake
I will offer up my best intentions again
believe in things that I’ve left dormant
Clear the cobwebs off my hope
and find a way to reawaken
what about me was once innocent

For your sake
I will find a way to be grateful again
believe that things will work out in the end
trust that someone might be watching
that I might accomplish something
even though for me it’s harder than you know

I’ve met darkness I could not defeat
I’ve been brought down to my knees
and the truth is I have lost belief
that anyone is good
that anyone is listening
that anything is worth it
anything worth doing
but I will fight against it anyway
for your sake.

For your sake
I will work a little harder again
throw all of myself back in
get out of my bed every morning
not because of the alarm
but because I’ve got to do something.

For your sake
I’ll appreciate what I have going for me
sing your heart when mine is dark and I can’t see
not discount what I have to offer
even though it’s getting harder
even though for me it’s harder than you know

I’ve met darkness I could not defeat
I’ve been brought down to my knees
and the truth is I have lost belief
that anyone is good
that anyone is listening
that anything is worth it
anything worth doing
but I will fight against it anyway
for your sake.

– © Heather Aubrey Lloyd

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