May the Forth Be With You. And Also With You.

Heather came by yesterday to play on New Song Night for my open mic. It was cool to have her hanging out, stealin’ my chair and quite literally my spotlight! Well… my desklamp.
A good Monday night with friends. Maybe my body woke me up early because it thought it’d get more of the same? My body was WRONG.

Didn’t sleep. Up at 4. Decided to GET up by 5. Got productive. Which is good. Have nausea-level fatigue which is not. But that means I’m not entirely focused while I’m up, but feel awful while lying down. If I wasn’t so familiar with my can’t-sleep feelings I’d feel like I was dying. As it is it’s just one of those days where Living’s a little hard. But I’ve got it pretty good. Just a bad morning.

My friend Pete Simple has COVID in Houston. He spent some time in the hospital but he came home with his own oxygen tank a couple of days ago. Today he’s on a ton of blood thinners and steroids and is fighting back “25% pneumonia” brought on by the disease whatever that means, but it sounds quite horrible. He’s having trouble catching his breath and can’t sing yet. He’s gotten his first Pfizer injection and timing-wise his doctors figure he must’ve caught COVID the day before he got vaccinated. Feisty fucking bug got a head start on the cure. Pete was responsible for getting ilyAIMY into SXSW YEARS ago. Hate seeing him on his back for any reason other than “holy crap, walked around playing Austin all day and I’m BEAT”. He won’t get beat by this.

So – here’s something beautiful. Pictures from my open mic and additional pictures from April 24th at the Refuge courtesy of Gathering Staff photographer, Tim Branscum from Amherst, OH. Suck it world. There’s good shit too. Like Star Wars. May the Forth be with you.

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