May 16th, 2021. Battloids in the Parking Lot.

Friday night’s beautiful show at Harford Vineyard and Winery in Forest Hill, MD is still resonating with me. Mostly because the gear is still occupying a corner of the Living room. Watching my friend Chris Ehrich pack for a gig involving like… an amp and a bag and a guitar left me thinking… ‘yeah, that’s cute’.

It was really great to get out of the house and strut around a stage – even if it was a loading dock. Getting the sound gear OUT of the house and drawing on someone else’s juice for a change, projecting 4000 watts of speaker power across a field. It doesn’t sound like that much when you’re not indoors in a little bar, but it seems like I haven’t lost my Live sound chops. Kristen and Heather were duly impressed and at 100′ we were still making people raise their voices if they wanted to talk over us.

Oh, yeah – it was THAT kind of gig – but once we got into it it still felt really good, and the people that were there for the music sat closer in the field, the people who were there to drink wine and play trivia sat further in the field.

A VF-1S provided for scale, Roy Fokker’s Veritech is of course slightly taller than average, but it’s no big deal. Yeah, I need to go do some REAL work soon cause wtf am I doing with my time here?

It’s dorky, but I’m looking at a satellite view, trying to get a better feel for distance since measuring 100′ with my eyeballs is not a particularly robbish task. I’m thinking “huh, that’s what a 20′ stage feels like (plenty of room)”, Heather’s parents were probably about 60′ from us (and it sounded great), things sound thin by 80 – 100’…. my mom’s 70′ long house would fit in the space between where our stage was and the bathrooms were… a Veritech in Battloid mode would’ve stretched from our stage to the edge of the grass if it was laid out by a Zentraedi, and isn’t QUITE as big as I usually visualize it – though it’s plenty big enough.

Yup. I caught Heather looking happy! (as Kristen and I wolf down some crab cakes during our set at Harford Vineyard and Winery.

Also, as a random note, and as a significant indicator of how my brain’s functioning this fine Sunday morning, it occurs to me that a Veritech hitting hard on its back in Battloid mode is landing on its wings and it seems unlikely that those surfaces would be solid enough to maintain flight integrity after sustaining any kind of real impact like that. I really doubt that an ACTUAL Veritech would be able to convert back to Gerwalk or Fighter modes and have effective control from their wings and tails, but of course space fighting would continue to be no issue… that’s of course plus or minus how Protoculture mind-melding effects the movement of the craft and whether Dr. Emil Lang wins out against Daniel Bernoulli.


Cicadas are slowly arriving. Cat’s sitting in the sunshine. Kristen’s just finished breakfast. I’m going to go answer emails. Happy Sunday!

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