Band practice is such a decidedly delicious thing. Even as the weather heats up and outdoors feels like “stepping into a dog’s mouth”, as Rowan put it last night – inside the heat and the fug feels well-earned and we rock and we folk and we stop and say “let’s try that again but you do this and I’ll try that” and we try it again.
Seven new-to-someone-in-the-band pieces last night! Running through a Bob Dylan cover, three new Rowan tunes and three new rob tunes. Some of them coming together just as we’d imagined, others taking strange and wonderful tunes as they’re put through our bandmates’ filters. I hear slightly different things and I’ll have suggestions – or other songs, upon listening to them again, are so much better than I’d ever dreamed when I’d first written them.
Not being able to have Sharif last night was a shame – I think he’s one of our chief re-arrangers, but I’ve sent him all the recordings – his two cents shalt be forthcoming. He’ll be joining us for Live from the Lair on Wednesday. Mayhaps we’ll get his fiftieth buck then!
I Love playing with my friends!