On the day that the smallest things become huge, and the heart weighs heavy with nothing to confess. When night brings unconsciousness, not rest and the hour in which all is bright yet all seems blurred and the noisiest amongst us shall go unheard. On that day shall the rabbit weep.
Yeah, my mood today sounds like a damned prophecy. I’ve got a pretty freakin’ awesome Life in most respects, but today I’m simply sadness. There’s some reasons – even good reasons – but not GREAT reasons, and all those around me have REAL reasons – great and terrible reasons. The world is a nightmarish place and I’m trying not to buckle beneath it. Some days are better than others though.
Facebook has been the source of all my ups and downs today. I try not to read it but have been subjected to the doldrums and scrollwhims and I must be stronger because it’s not good for me.
When I thanked someone for a tip for last night’s webcast this morning I received “If you notice, only when Heather shows up. If not for Heather and Sahffi I would have rarely come to Teavolve” So, you know, thanks anyways….

But then I got this :
“All of my life I’ve been all into music, so much so I’ve not been able to tolerate silence until recent years as I’ve gotten old enough to appreciate stillness and silence.
My tastes have been varied all across the genres, save for a few. Now I can proudly say… if my life had a soundtrack, it would be IlyAIMY and everything/everyone they respect, are inspired by, and champion.
Just listened to last night’s livestream again, which was a musical shindig of 4 out of the 6 members. I’m at work, man. And I’ve run through every emotion. Tears, a twinge of anger, grooving in my chair and bobbing my head to the beat, smiling, busting out laughing (out loud, in my cubicle) to their banter, feeling renewed strength in myself, and having TONS of respect for their talent and artistry, and for them as people. Because you don’t get to be that good without seeing some shit in life. Because they’ve earned every accolade and then some.
I feel this way every damn time. Without fail. I’m never not in the mood to hear them play. Separately or together. Although when they come together it’s like a symphony that the Philharmonic armonic could only dream of becoming. Broken strings and flubbed lines and all. Why? Because they’re REAL. Perfection is a goal for them, and playing – preferably together – for the enjoyment is the goal. And they can cover Tool and Zeppelin and make it rival the originals..??
Thanks ladies and guys.. you play the music of my soul, and my soul honors yours. ”
And that’s pretty amazing (thank you Tracy!!!)
But then I read this from my friend singer/songwriter Matt Pless – and it’s been a while since I read something that made me feel “this, so much of THIS” …
Oh damn, looks like it’s gone – but basically he wrote that somedays he wishes he wasn’t a public figure (he’s folk famous too!) because it means many people THINK they understand you, and when you actually need help or support they’re their to support their idea of you, which is often very, very different from who you are truly. I had a lot of issues with people wanting to be with Stagerob, who has long been a different entity from Realrob… and that’s hard. It made romantic relationships hard. Friendships hard.
Today’s hard.