July 20th, 2021. American Ice Co.

Alisha O’Malley kicking off her Tuesday night open mic at American Ice Co Cafe.

As I contemplate a return to open mics, hosting in Ellicott City, missing them, Alisha O’Malley’s open mics at American Ice Co. are helping to tide me over. I dread the fact that the most promising lead I’VE got on my own events is also on a Tuesday night, but I’m partnering with Rowan SPECIFICALLY so I can play hooky when I need to…

This week Heather needed OUT and *I* needed OUT so we went OUT. And we ran across our friend Tony Denikos and had a great dinner and somehow didn’t take a selfie with that wonderful man. Gorgeous night. Tuesdays at American Ice Co. Go there.

Was surprised to run across Ebb & Nova while we were there – and apparently they got in my head deeper than I thought cause this morning at 3am I woke up SWEATING from a dream that me and Matt and Lauren had decided to wander around an art school campus in the dead of night. We were just poking around and then Matthew had the greeeeeeat idea to check if the door to a studio was unlocked. SCORE!We went on in and just explored the space, I was blissed out enjoying the old art school smells and then I spotted a camera in a corner. We headed out the back and then slowly started seeing the heads of campus cops poking up out of all the bushes and Lauren yelled “RUN!!!!” and I woke up from being manhandled by big burly security entities tangled in sheets… I hope Lauren and Matt got out okay!

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