Trying not to think about this too extensively, mostly just typing to get it out of my head.
We got trolled pretty aggressively by someone on Twitch during our Lair show tonight. I didn’t read the full comment, just enough to see what it was and move on, but I could see Heather reading it and everyone’s mood just plummeted. However, even that little bit of poison “you should take up pottery or something because your music sucks” and knowing that there were several sentences more to follow just hurt because we WERE having a kind of overly realaxed night (and after a certain point my guitar was NOT staying in tune – note to self – stick to your favourite strings!) and definitely not playing to appeal to new parties – and maybe we need to ALWAYS be on, always be on the prowl…

Or maybe I need to simply not let people who’s idea of using their time productively is to insult random bands that they’ve just encountered get to me. Easier said than done. I go through my collection of “good mail”. I remind myself that over the years literally thousands of people have liked us enough to want MORE (though it’s easy to get down again as you think “but yeah, where are they NOW?”). Shit like that tends to roll right off Kristen, and I TRY to let it roll off me… but I HATE seeing it hit home on Heather.
I mean – it’s artistic personality 101, right? We ALL suffer from imposter syndrome and are all just one crack away from collapse.
I sure hope we have a good weekend.

I remember reading once that there was no point to giving a negative review. I think this was a statement when I was first hunting press reviews for my music and I was really nervous that someone would say something BAD about it. Of course, this was in the age of magazines and online reviews were coveted, not a dime a dozen from every other person’s blog. I was told by a friend at the Washington Post that there was no point in a publication giving a negative review, because their space was limited and they were giving press to whatever they were covering, positive OR negative – and they weren’t going to waste their space, time or ink on something they didn’t want to bother giving press to.
Ah, how the internet has changed us. Now we’ve got space for every little bitter thing.
If only people realized they didn’t have the TIME.
Joey gettin’ his anime hair on. Prince getting ready for band practice. Tuesday August 2nd saw us return to Lena’s in Alexandria, VA. We had amaaaaazing pizza. OH – and we played a show! Photo courtesy of Gus Nava.
Screw ’em all! You know you kids are phenomenal at what you do, and you bring happiness to MANY people everywhere you play!
I have learned over my many years of performing, you may have an off day; but you still give it all you have at the moment. Most people recognize this and understand. Most times a bad review will come from someone who is just a bit jealous of what you are doing, and they wish they could do the same, or maybe just someone who drank more than they should have.
I KNOW IT! Alas, sometimes it’s easier to ignore than others. It was so so so good to see you this weekend! I wish you could join us for a show or two but we probably won’t be up that way again any time soon… lemme know when you’ll join me on a Monday night virtual open mic… it’d be fun to see you play!
I’ll let you know after the 16th, that is the day after the new members rehearsal.
If all goes as expected, I’ll set up a night we can join you; and when we get down your way, we’ll have to do a show together.