August 12th, 2021. Silver lining, where now?

(Okay – here’s a silver lining – on August 10th, 2021 – while Tinsmith was performing at Jammin Java in Vienna, VA, Rowan found our sticker still up in the bathroom!)

A silver lining! I’m taking photos of my microphone with springy looking flowers to gather graphics for a new open mic I’ll be running at Sandy Spring Museum!

I’m watching the weather for tomorrow. I’m trying not to. I can look at my app on my phone,, accuweather, the website, google weather… they’re all telling me different things. Most seem to agree we’re probably getting rained out tomorrow, but that “probably” ranges from 6 – 10pm and from 35-60%. And then there’s the sites that also think the rain’s happening later and we shouldn’t worry about. And there’s a site that swears the probable rain is going to be done by 4pm.

And so – we plan for contingencies, but even that… I’m just exhausted by cancelations this week.

We were so very, very lucky with last weekend in Connecticut. Thursday we got a little rain but it was still a relatively easy drive. Friday there was a bit of rain but it didn’t hit our load in. Saturday was clear and though Sunday threatened and even delivered for a moment, it kept getting better and better and better and folkies can take a bit of soaking sans the dampening of their spirits.

This week’s different.

As of Saturday as we wandered around Connecticut, we of course weren’t just watching the weather maps, we were watching the CDC maps and we quickly came to terms with the fact that our in-door DC gig was going to be canceled. Then Montgomery County made THEIR annoucement and with it our Saturday night Rockville gig was canceled. Almost as if to make up for it Little Market Cafe called and asked me to guest-host their open mic, Heather picked up a Farmer’s Market gig the same day, and we worked out an outdoor show with Jimmy at his Mysterious Location… but today it’s the heat. Tomorrow it’s the rain.

Little Market Cafe fell first. With a heat index of 107 degrees I’m not complaining, but I’m sad to see the third paycheck of the week fall to situations beyond my control. Then Heather’s gig was struck down. Now rain’s threatening Friday’s show at Jimmy’s and I’m just tired of trying to re-plan everything.

It wouldn’t be as big a deal except Sharif’s scheduling is increasingly difficult and this may be the last chance to play with him for a while…

Good things are on the horizon. But so are storm clouds.

A silver lining – Prince TOTALLY helps with wrapping cables!

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