August 14th, 2021. Friday the 13th.

Friday the 13th was a night of plans, back up plans, and changing plans. We got everything under cover before the wind and rain REALLY built up…

Well, I’ve got to admit last night was EXHAUSTING, and as I look at my gigantic pile of wet, mud-spattered cables, speakers, instruments with broken strings, pedals that have been dried but still have GUNK in them and the electrical cable that gave me a little jumpstart, part of me wonders what the HELL I was thinking… but man it was a good time.

Nothing went according to plan. Not even close. Last weekend as we wandered Connecticut watchin the COVID map slowly get redder in the areas we were traveling, we were thinking “shit, this… might not be a good idea” – but more importantly we were looking at the map back home with our upcoming indoor gigs KNOWING that THEY weren’t a good idea.

And so we moved everything outside in as much as that was possible. Well, we reaped the whirlwind tonight! It TURNED OUT GREAT and I never really had any dark despair since I kinda LIKE being out in the rain, but …. well we just have to hope that the rain didn’t permanently screw up Jimmy’s EQ pedal and no plaster chunks got in the vents of my TM16 and there’s no permanent damage from the hefty jolt of house current I took while breaking down in the rain…


Ah yes, back when we were like “this is all TOTALLY gonna work out!!!!”
Not my finest work – but we got it up and running – and DID have a good time!

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