August 24th, 2021. I’m Off.

During our offness out internet connectivity has been really iffy. We can see this as lucky or UNlucky from different points of view, but this particular failure WAS kinda perfect.

We’re hiding.

Not very effectively. We’re just ain’t going out there. And we’re not making loud noises. And we’re petting the cat. It’s not QUITE a staycation since Kristen and I are still doing an absurd amount of office work, but we’re not doing any webcasts or anything. I’m not setting up gear. For the past two days I haven’t touched my guitar though I imagine that’s going to change by this evening.

We’ve got friends in hospitals, and the world’s on fire, and though we can’t turn it all off, we can at least turn off our public faces, which is really what I’m choosing to do this week. Just… not be on camera, not be on stage, not have to be “on” for anyone. I’m going to go to the supermarket tonight, and I’ll probably be outgoing to the cashier because I just can’t help myself, but I’m not going to be “on”, I’ll just be me.

Last night I tuned into my open mic but left the hosting to Rowan and Chris, and they did a fantastic job. I think I’m so obsessed with making things RUN I forget to sit back and enjoy it – plus Rowan and Chris have been webcasting together every Sunday and they’ve developed a good rhythm to their patter that works well. It makes me wonder a wee bit if that’s not a better direction for the VOM to go.

VOM VOM VOM. I’ve often figured that it would drop off as “real” open mics came back into play, and as of next month I’ll have something “real” to point to, but I don’t know how much faith I have in its stable existence! I mean – the Sandy Spring Museum’s going to be a great location, but I’m worried that it won’t be a good indoor location and that we won’t be able to be outside as frequently as we’d like. It reminds me of running the Takoma Park Folk Festival during an incoming hurricane – and having to plan for both indoors and outdoors you totally waste all your resources in just trying to be ready for ANYTHING.

I’m wondering if, rather than bothering with indoor contingency planning we shouldn’t just keep it as an outdoors event for now, canceling in the event of rain, rather than keeping it…

I just don’t know. I’m caught in the in-between and the Upside Down. But for this week, I’m working hard to relax, not care. Those questions are for next week. For now, I just want to not be on, not be beholden, not be responsible.

It’s not working out PERFECTLY, but it’s not working out too badly, either.

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