September 7th, 2021 at the SPRING.

Me worshipping Kristen in order to kick off the SPRING open mic properly.

Wow. So that was a beautiful night. Not as good as I’d hoped, not as bad as I’d feared, but in reality just about perfect. Relaxed enough that I felt the joy of being in other people’s company, stressed enough that I felt like I was working. Plenty of little changes to be made and lessons learned, a fantastic list and a Lovely night (if too hot a day!).

Yeah, the first Sandy Spring Open Mic, so long in preparation, so long in coming, turned out really well. Now we’ve just got to build. During a pandemic, in a month where I’ll be away twice, with three to four separate institutions that don’t all QUITE see things the same way – though I think after tonight we’ve all come close.

Notes to self :

1) hand sanitizer is all fine and good – however I NEED to wash my hands with WATER before I play. Hand sanitizer plus fancy frettin’ doesn’t mix.

2) cable management. rob’s cable management STILL sucks.

3) it’s okay to set things up where I want them. In the future, the sound table goes to stage LEFT!

4) don’t bite.

5) hair cuts during open mics… hrm… 10 minute slot? No problem. It’s art.

6) I don’t need this many cameras. NO ONE needs this many cameras. I can DEFINITELY pare down on the amount of stuff I’m bringing, and HOPEFULLY the event will evolve into mostly using gear that the museum itself has onsite. The rather convoluted way in which rob’s Open Mics, HMT, IMT and Sandy Spring Museum are all involved in this WILL be really mutually beneficial – and beyond that I believe it’ll be additionally benefit (eventually) for my BACK – but until we get to that point I can cut down on speaker stands, speakers, and a couple of other random bits and pieces to make it all a tighter, easier and LIGHTER pack. This was a lot of work with me, Rowan, David and Kristen + breakdown help from Jimmy and Peach – but this has to be something I’m able to do solo or close to solo.

Still. A beautiful night. Thank you to all involved!

Join us for a weekly celebration of one of the SOURCES of creativity and performance for any local scene, a new open mic night! tonight we were graced with

Jimmy Stewart
Justin Heath and the Camerons
John Smith
featured artist Tom Prasada-Rao
Michelle Swan
Kate Buckholdt
Jillian Matundan
Juels Bland
Rowan Corbett

Rowan Corbett wrapping us out.
Kate Buckholdt taking care of my split ends. This is NOT a regular portion of the open mic. I’m glad I hadn’t noticed how creepy the encroaching hallway darkness looked while she was holding a blade behind my back….

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