Happy Thanksgiving. It’s a beautiful sunshiney, not terribly cold, but definitely not warm day. Kristen’s in the kitchen, I’m in the basement. We’re getting texts from friends and Kristen’s been on and off the phone with her dad, who Lives down in Georgia, where he’s having a rough time of it. And my mother’s on her way up to spend the evening with us. It’s been a hard stretch since the last Thanksgiving, and though last year was harder, and this year, perhaps was better, I’m feeling the need to flex somewhat to feel thankful. I’m not having to stretch TOO hard, it’s just not near the surface. Silver linings worn thin. Still valuable, just harder to see.
I truly have so much to be thankful for. From the macro to the micro, being grateful for the scientific progress that allowed for quick vaccines, grateful for the slow march of social progress that brought about guilty verdicts for those who lynched Ahmaud Arbery. Grateful for streaming which has allowed us to keep playing even as the world has been upended and shoved sideways. Each of those things comes with a caveat – but Thanksgiving isn’t about the caveats, it’s about those silver linings. The screen saver on the television is populated with photos of friends and gigs and beautiful moments, great reminders of how Loving our community is… and I am grateful to my chosen family of musicians and artists, the poets and dreamers.
My band, my partnership with Heather, my wonderful wife. I’m texting with Rowan trying to facilitate a pie party. My computers are chugging, putting out warmth. The cat is snuggly. We are very very fortunate. We can pay the rent and though there are aches and pains in my shoulders and spine, we absolutely have our health.
That’s not a flex. That’s not a stretch. I played music passionately with Kristen last night, and we’re able to do that from our basement. Beyond fortunate, we’re lucky, and we’ve worked hard to do what we do and have what we have. I built these communities and they’ve weathered age and COVID and social turmoil with grace. Old friends and new.
There. I’ve stretched and flexed and I know to give thanks to all those around us who’ve made everything we do possible.
Love to you all.