Saturday I think I found out my lower-temperature-limit for performance. We persevered and we played fairly-well (though we had to resort to a beatbox / a capella version of “Winter Wonderland” to give our hands some time in our pockets) but it’s probably not an experience I’d care to repeat. I’ll probably add a “46” to our contract. We don’t perform when the “feels like” temperature’s expected to be lower than 46. I WOULD say “45 and lower” but have developed an aversion to that number.

Scratch all the “probably”s from the above paragraph. It was too fucking cold. Saturday I think the “feels like” temp was actually 39, but… “Lower than 46” should be our number. 46-96? A 50 degree temperature range beyond which ilyAIMY cancels the show? I don’t think that’s madness. We’ve pushed our limits this past year and I think we’ve really found the edges of them.
Brr. I’m spending today in my Lair. Recovering!!!!
My guitar, carbon fiber beest though it be, struggled with tuning – though that was probably more a factor of a string on the edge of dying (lost my G halfway through the first set) and the fact that the cold, winter sun was glaring over my tuner… restringing my guitar as Heather performed a Christmas carol offered no real respite. I’m a quick restringer, but my fingers barely kept hold of the string, temporarily lost a string peg, were shaking so badly it took a whole song before I was back up and running.

I resorted to keeping my fretting hand gloved, I tried to keep my right hand covered too but rapidly discovered I couldn’t play that way. Still unsure why the tone and strike of my guitar was so weirdly muted, I think I was just sloppy because I literally couldn’t feel how hard I was fretting.
I was VERY impressed at how well Kristen weathered the temperatures, Heather and I definitely didn’t fare as well. And beatboxing left the mic cold and wet in a horrible way that was like receiving unto the lips cold-wet dog kisses without the charm.
I received a couple of cold wet dog kisses for comparison. No griping about that. (no bitching either, cause it was one of them “family-friendly gigs”)
Came home. Took two excedrin PMs. Was in bed by 10pm with a heating pad and a book and barely made it through the chapter.