Putting the finishing touches on the Christmas tree. I remember growing up at some point my mom insisting we call it a holiday tree. We’d been raised Christian but eventually the whole family broke away from the church and wandered off – but we still liked going and getting a tree every year. This atheist happily decorates his tree in an ongoing tradition, and … well… I call it a Christmas tree because that’s definitely what the poor slain conifer was sold as. It’ll be fine! I’m MUCH more worried about putting Grogu on the top two years in a row!!!
Sometimes I think we’re complicated creatures – but then I have nights where I just know we’re not much more than formulaic responders. We’re hurt and flinch and fear. Strike out and hurt back. We’re scared and lash out. Fight and fuck and flee, right?
I had a night where I actually felt like I was back in the groove. Charming, alert, runnning the night. Compliment here, guidance there, recover the mood of the room after things went truly off the rails because I trusted someone that continues to take the room for granted.
I drive home a little worried but mostly satisfied. Christmas lights, a little turned around, a little intentionally lost. Listening to Leonard Nimoy telling tales of Hanukkah. The finest of voices, driving too fast, hurtling down back roads until things look familiar.
Thursday morning Ross Martin came over to record a new song. I’d planned to multi-track everything but on a whim we set up to record him, his vocals and Kristen on cello all at the same time… initially we thought we were just going to be capturing a scratch track but the quality of the recording and the performance was so good that we went ahead and did the final recording that way. Gorgeous end product. In ANY case – none of that explains the above! Every year my mom gets us a Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar and I like asking house guests to assemble one if they’re passing through! Ross did a great job with a Rebel starfighter before heading off into the wintry afternoon!
I park a block down the street because that’s where I can park, Living where I Live because that’s what I can afford. Back home where things are what they are, as far as they’ll go. I’m simply an excitable interruption, noisy and sloppy, I should’ve picked up something on the way home, driven the long way round and gotten it all out of my system.
Thank you for never taking the room for granted… Those of us in the room certainly do appreciate it! I love you and I miss you