December 19th, 2021. Idling.

Happy Monday.

For a certain value of “happy”. Definitely a set value of “Monday” though. It’s Christmas week. It’s the last week of the Sandy Spring Open Mic till a ways into the New Year. There’s decisions being made. Meetings being met. Emails being writ. Songs being written? Not really. Today started with phone calls and will end with Zoom meetings and in the meantime I’m generally letting my brain idle.

I’m grateful for being able to let my brain idle.

I got back to working out this morning. Nothing crazy, but I’ll probably REMEMBER it as something crazy tomorrow. I’m going to stick to it this time.

I’m going to stick to it this time.

This weekend I just felt so flopsome and gross and sad and hungry and weak. No reason to wait till the New Year. Get the body moving. It’s one of the few things I can control.

This weekend two friends tested positive for COVID. One’s feeling it. One’s not. One we were supposed to play with this weekend but thankfully was honest about his exposure, got the rapid test, glad we stuck to our guns about doing that.

Well, all of the above is my brain idling. Not really idle. More sort of Eric Idle. Is Eric Idle still alive?

Yes. I’m glad of that. Might have to watch some Monty Python. That’s good for an idle mind. Less than one year left of Journal transfer to go! Maybe it IS something I’ll finish before I die!!!

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