Happy New Year my friends. I don’t believe there to be any members of ilyAIMY who’re on the prowl, but if you don’t think “2022” sounds like the future, you’re too young for us to date anywho.
2022. Tis the year of Soylent Green. Tis the year of the Purge. Tis the year I’m going to stick to working out. Tis the year we’ll release new music. Tis the night of the first snow of the season in Baltimore. Tis a moment of hope.
We were so very, very lucky in 2021. A couple of close COVID calls in and around the band. Gigs that continue to get us through, opportunities coming from unexpected places, conjunctions and alignments that could even be viewed as “good luck” – as if all of Heather’s four-leafed clover are actually paying off! Hell – it was sixty degrees on New Year’s Eve and we got to play outside!

But 2021 wasn’t easy. Over the course of the pandemic we’ve had friends and family die, we’ve had friends and fans and family lost to ideological divides that seem unconquerable, we’ve lost our masks a couple of times, but we make sure to carry spares, we’ve lost our tempers, our wizard and our way – but I have an inordinate amount of faith in my species… at least inasmuch as the individual critters. Humanity in large masses seem an irredeemable lot but I still find a lot to Love…

I hope YOU are doing well. Tell me something good. Give me an unending stream of things that make you happy, made you happy, you’re looking forward to or you were simply happy to see. Tell me about a book you read or a movie you want to see. Tell me your favourite colour and why.
Happy New Year from ilyAIMY. Now go make it a happy new year.
So not following directions I left a comment regarding what makes me happy on the December 26 entry… But there’s more… Eating improv soup is a joy when I can get it done, listening to original music written by a friend, watching my birds happily destroy toys that I have made for them, and top on the list watching a little boy ran out of his house yelling, “grandma I missed you!” I need more joy as I am a joyful person but it’s been a tough spell finding it…
Something good, you say? Well, the snow is outside, and I am inside, and I think that’s pretty good.
Seeing snow on the (canceled) first day back to work rang in a wonderous New Year for me. Praise God for snow in our climate-changing world!
Best book of 2022 (just started last night): Essentialism. Get rid of the unnecessary and keep what feeds your essence.
Best music of 2021: Seeing ilyAIMY return to the New Deal Cafe for Heather’s birthday!
Best upended plans of 2021: COVID canceled going home to the parents for Christmas (again!), but Fate replaced that with heart-warming time spent with siblings and their children, and with friends at home.
Happy 2022, everyone!
2022 is both the end of the world and the beginning of the new world. Whether the end is the end of democracy, the end of DNA life or the end of my 2021 calendar, there’s only one thing I’m sure of: ilyAIMY will chronicle the demise, the resuscitation, and the reincarnation with snark and a good back beat.
i haven’t been to your shows in far too long, but that is not for a lack of Appreciation or Admiration. your music has helped get me through a lot of Darkness in my life, and has brought a lot of Beauty into this world. i use a lot of your music in my dance classes, and it is some of my absolute favorite and most often used because it is so Inspiring and Beautiful. not only are you all Truly Gifted musicians, but your lyrics and artistry and the Truth and Emotion in what you create is unparalleled. Thank You, for bringing and being something so Good in *my* life, and in the lives of so many others. and i Hope knowing that is a Good thing for your heart, too.
I’m starting all of my workdays in January with writing and practice, before I get on this dumb digital machine to make the business happen. Today was day one. Felt pretty good. There is snow on the ground. We get a real winter this time around, for at least a couple of weeks.
Alison and I set a date — May 28, 2022. Plan is to get hitched in our yurt in Berkeley Springs, WV (assuming we finished building it by then).
I’m a simple man… The Book of Boba Fett made me happy recently.
Hang in there, ilyAIMY. We will get through these dark times together.
i have this little dog – he likes me and although he cannot affect any particular change in the world and factors surrounding my life, he wants to lay down next to me when i’m not feeling great.
Something good? My shoulder/arm is mostly healed up. It’s finally cold here in Missouri. My old band, Rusty Nail, has a new CD coming out this year, and they had me lay down some flute/Irish whistle parts for it. Things that make me happy? Playing music. Writing songs, (I probably enjoy writing them more than playing them). I like fixing up old instruments and bringing them back to life. Being outdoors, even if it’s just the back yard. And, of course, spending time with my wife, and our fur babies.
I’m happy that I’ve met so many talented people throughout my life. Rob is definitely one of those people. I’m also happy that iTunes keeps playing ilyaimy regularly when I put it on shuffle mode.