If you could go so far as to assume that the people around you are just doing their best, that would probably go a long way towards making the world a best place. Unfortunately, I also sort of assume that there are lots of people doing their best to do their worst, but I’m sure they wouldn’t agree. However, I think this fundamental lack of empathy, the inability of people to put themselves in another’s shoes and imagine “what if I was THEM” is at the root of so much of the awfulness surrounding us today. Not that I’m by any means immune to it. I catch myself in full-tilt passive aggressive modes, assuming I’m the smartest person in the room when I’m generally not even close, assuming I’m the only one trying when often as not I’ve already given up, or simply exhausted by those around me.

And a lot of that, I think, comes from a level of toxic build up. Either from one or two people in my Life who are consistently skirting the edge of actual psychopathy, people who I should just cut out of my Life – or from me avoiding things and, contrary to my optimist stance, not doing my best.
And so I should try and do my best.
As I wrap up the most preliminary sketching of a new album, scratch tracks scratched, rhythms counted, click tracks clicked, my voice is sore and my hands are sore. I’ve been trying about as much as my body can try today and I’m excited about other steps, excited about collaboration, making NOISE. Layering. Arranging. Rearranging.
But being exhausted by process means I resurface and read the news, and listen to hate and rants and the assumption that Others are stupid, are worthless, are out to get you and are doing their worst. And there are OTHER others out their doing their best to do their worst by bringing out the worst in others.
I just gotta keep my head above water, but it was better when I’d forgotten the date.