Spending so much time at home, watching the skies. Weather’s been dramatic and the temperature’s been low. Grateful for snow, which I adore, grateful for Kristen, who I adore, grateful for our cat, who adores Kristen too.
Heather’s flown out to Reno, NV for a vacation / creative escape / recording partay with her friends out there and she’ll be gone the entire month. I’m plugging along on my own recordings but slower and less-inspired than I’d like. Community is hard, and though FAWM’s coming up, I’m not waiting for February, nor am I starting again in February, because I’ve far, far too much in my head.

As always, the sheer complexity of trying to deal with so many different people’s schedules, plus pandemic concerns, plus social possibilities – it all just seems so overwhelming, but my brain’s been obsessed with the stupid posts that say things like “one day you saw x for the last time and you didn’t even know it” or “one day you did y for the very last time and you didn’t even know it” and the feeling that I’m not taking advantage of my waking hours is pressing down upon me.
One day it’s going to be my last snow walk (snalk) and I won’t even know it.