Bad morning. A friend’s got COVID and not the easy kind… a friend’s friend’s wife just died and then the friend’s friend (both known faces from the local music scene) committed suicide and a friend’s father … well, they haven’t said it yet but she found him dead this morning in his home and his car and his cash is missing so…
Bad things come in threes. My heart aches for you C, J&M at least you’re together, P, get better soon.
And my patience is wearing thin. I probably won’t get into too much detail of what Kristen and I are involved with for the next couple of weeks. The easy version is that her father’s going through hip replacement surgery this coming Monday and we’re down here to help prep and help recover. There are a LOT of challenges not least of which we’re in rural Georgia where we’re cut off from a lot of the things we rely on. Knowing that that would be the case, we’ve spun a lot of our tasks off onto others for the coming two weeks, but that ALSO means we’ve got very little in the way of distraction and that’s where a lot of other challenges come in.

I get really, really angry sometimes – and I’m in a fortunate place in that there are very, very few situations in my Life where I can’t just step back, step away, or for that matter, where I’m not the person in charge who can simply say “leave” or click the mute button, whatever. Here’s just a quick list of gripes though, rather widely scattered:
Cornering people with German Shepherds is NOT actually funny.
If a gas pump is out of order, it should be labeled.

I do not care about any Jet that doesn’t make me feel like a family man.
The Olympic version of Bridge Over Troubled Waters troubled me.
February in Georgia is too hot for heat.
Birds may NOT have my toothpaste.
If you are not still in touch with the children or grandchildren of the Black servant that raised you in Alabama, then no, you were not “just like family” no matter how fond YOUR memories were.
Windows 7 is not a legitimate approach to computing.
Still don’t care about the Jets!