Well – I went from not sleeping to sleeping enough to get by to sleeping enough to dream – and I dreamt last night of my mighty rabbit army.
Mighty sleepy.
Sigh – I dreamt of a grand war, fought to a stand still but which I was winning as we came down to the last dredges of dirty, tired men. The entire battle took place in a vast cylindrical room criss-crossed with walkways and honeycombed with bunkers and there was smoke and fire and twisted metal and bodies.
However I heard reinforcements arriving and I sprinted to the entry way, a [snow!!!! outside there’s snow!!!!!] large white room now stained with soot and blood, in which a very tall man all dressed in ripped and patched leather, was making his way forward. He had a couple of last troops with him and I knew that this – this tiny squad of tired men – was all that remained between me and survival – and so I went to my rabbit army, exhausted and huddled…

And yeah, it was a gigantic pile of exhausted rabbits. Not even particularly large rabbits, just normal bunnies lying in exhausted heaps. I went and pushed at them, I think I gave a great speach. I pulled some out of the pile and more rolled down. I pushed into the warm, furry mass and pried them from their comfortable huddle and tried to push them into the fray but they just went on napping as the enemy came forth…
— Randomly I also dreamt that Mara, Heather’s mom, gave me a new cellphone. Same as the old phone but in better shape and with a different case. I was sitting in a diner constantly getting confused as to which phone I should pick up as notifications or tasks came up. I wasn’t going to write it down because it seemed like such a nothing dream and then I got in my head about how… well… dreams are nothing but in my head, and so if it’s not documented in any way it’s like they never existed and somehow that’s a responsibility and it got weird and melancholy and … hey… the snow stopped.