I’m a little beat this morning, though mostly from momentum. We had a really fantastic weekend – a band practice and two gigs – and then a really wonderful Monday night open mic. However, that means this is the first calm day in quite a while and though I’ve got some quiet this morning, later today it’ll be cello capture and plumbing prep.
We had our laundry sink back up Saturday morning before our show. Fortunately, Friday’s band practice meant that all the gear in the basement had been moved and shuffled – with Sharif’s keys up here in the dining room and Joey’s drums going home. The basement tetris gets a little absurd at times but I got lucky with the timing on this stupid laundry overflow. I did a bunch of bailing and mopping and we tried to clear the drain, but as of this morning we finally decided to call our landlord.

I know I make a good case for how amazing Jack, our landlord is, and so maybe that hesitation doesn’t make sense – but sometimes there’s a feeling that the reason our rent has stayed stable for the last decade is because we’re quiet and cause zero problems. So every time we DO need landlordly assistance (leaking bathtub, security door replacement, screen replacements, two toilet replacements, the Hot Water Heater Incident [more mopping, more bailing], replacing the dryer, replacing the basement lights…. ) I worry that he’s going to do the math and find us come up wanting. And I do the math pretty frequently too – like, shouldn’t we have bought a house years ago? And yet… then I go through that list and think about how I would’ve gone about doing any of the above, how long we’d have Lived with a problematic (or non-functional) toilet before I finally found a trustworthy plumber or whatever – our hot water heater sure wouldn’t have been replaced the same day… et cetera.

In any case, it’s not like we’re planning for our childrens’ future or something, and that really makes the math a LOT easier. There are two sides to every equation, and though we’re not “building wealth” we also haven’t taken on debt to do so.
Yeah – two sides to every equation : the weekend was a lot of great playing but my fingers and hands and body in general feels a bit like it’s been smacked around. My neck is sore from holding my guitar, my hands are sore from playing HARD because none of these things were relaxed, chill environments. Oh the rocking. It doth come at a price!