Easter doesn’t really mean much to me, neither does Ramadan or Passover or Seder – and so I didn’t think too much about picking up gigs this weekend. Alas, it meant that we were a bit lonesome for our shows. It simply didn’t occur to me that it was a “holiday” weekend. We’ve been doing this for a long, long time and I still somehow don’t remember that the holidays aren’t just something kids go home from school for or that I’ve got to keep track of that other holiest of holies : sports schedules!
That being said, audiences were small but mighty and we had an absolutely joyous weekend. The weather for Friday night was just so perfect we could help but bask in the sun and the sound and the slowly cooling night – and last night in Rockville, well – 7 Locks, even with the most attentive audience – is generally not a place that EVER gets very quiet, but there were moments where you could hear a pin drop and even the dogs silenced themselves to listen.

For the all the tension and madness of February and the hurly (and burly) of March – April continues to sloooowly relax. When I file invoices and update all my records at the end of the month I’m sure plenty of that will be reflected and I’ll be asking myself if I don’t need to work a LOT more, but even the threat of tax season didn’t get us too riled up this month.
Unfortunately for Kristen, she didn’t “just” have the two gigs this weekend, and though we all seemed pretty content to have a very, very slow loadout and joyous hang with friends late last night, Kristen had a morning church gig that saw her having to leave the house less than 8 hours after we got home.
Still, that leaves me here alone with myself, Michael Knight, the cat and morning sun.
I guess it DOES kinda feel like a holiday.