Truer words never done been spake. Thank you domain tech support.
I’m having one of those days where the world, which I KNOW is bigger than me, seems to be making a point about just how MUCH bigger it is. My brain just feels like it can’t keep up, and my soul is somewhere lagging behind my brain. Technical problems that SHOULD be simple, legitimately COMPLICATED problems that simply should not be on my plate. My car is aging out and maybe my body is too. There’s a fly in the Lair circling and buzzing and buzzing and circling, and there’s a cable that’s buzzing that’s going to be a pain to pull out of where it’s nestled.
A lot of my problems could be solved by replacing some screens. Other problems could be solved by FEWER screens. Some other problems could be solved with a bit of screening. I fear that the last two weeks were kind of like downtime, but I didn’t take advantage of it, and I’m about to come SCREAMING into much, much higher-energy times and I’m not at all ready for it.
No time is truly wasted, if you enjoyed the wasting – some sort of similar sentence at least – except you look back and think “well, if I hadn’t PROCRASTINATED on this NOW would be a lot more fun…” It’s certainly a constant gamble. “Live for today” works out really well right up until you have to worry about tomorrow.
Please note that none of the above are HUGE statements. They reflect concerns about car-ownership, cat-ownership, not Life choices. There are certain things I’m just not interested in wasting my time on and I get it that some people don’t grasp that. Yeah – I COULD make a LOT more money if I did x, y or got rid of z – but maybe that’s not the end-all be-all of what I want to be!