The weather was a bit rough this week. Too hot. Too sticky. Last Saturday was a bad day. No ifs ands or flat little Sharif butts about it.
But this weekend’s been amazing.
I swear, there may be no Lifestyle that swings so violently from good to bad and back again as that of the independent singer/songwriter. Canceling shows one day, playing amazing nights another. Difficult sound engineers, great sound engineers and sound engineers that very, very much mean well. Huge audiences that dance and sing and enjoy the music with that one asshole heckler RIGHT up front – audiences that trickle in but remain rapt through out the night. Breaking the djembe and then finding strange and wonderful new ways to play songs cause said djembe’s out of commission.

And yet – is there any Life more LIVED than that of the independent artist?
There’s been a lot of LIFE.
There’s going to be more to this post soon – because it was a very, very good day. But mostly I want to get the mailing list out and I want it to have this little thumbnail on the bottom. Be patient my friends.
Okay – what I MEANT to carry on with was that Wednesday was a very fun Live from the Lair with a Sharif in the house, and he’ll be back soon to record. And then Friday I got up early, went and shot video for Sandy Spring Museum for their Digital Folklife Lab which is basically me and the Peach waving cameras around and saying “no, YOU pretend you’re a podcaster!” – and then I met up with my dear friend Ana who is visiting from Sweden and we romped and ran around and it was too damned hot and damn it more things should be OPEN for me RIGHT NOW CAUSE I’m HOT AND THIRSTY and you have ZIP LINES?!?!?!? I WANNA GO ON THE ZIP LINES!!!!

And then there was Saturday…