I’m not accomplishing very much right now. There’s a feeling that I’m just being carried forward by the push of events and I don’t have fingers or toes long enough to reach the walls.
In many ways this is okay. I’m getting calls for gigs, my open mics plug along, contracts and clients keep rolling forward. I’m not Living the high Life – and the looming spector of buying a car looms ever larger – but I’m not stressed about it. I’m just listening to the rain, grateful that it’s coming down TODAY, not ruining last night’s open mic, not ruining Kristen’s birthday tomorrow.

Heather’s slowly on the mend from COVID, and we have several BIG gigs coming up – but the festival stuff actually leans heavier on my material so we should be okay even if she’s still only at 70% or so. At the moment I’m still enjoying the still. It doesn’t feel like stasis. It feels like gathering my minions, strength and biding my time.
Had a nightmare last night – Had a guest host that couldn’t get things running and then I took over and … it was like he’d put extensions on all the booms so they hinged really close to the ground and had these long arms swinging around every which where, and everything was plugged in weird. I SHOULD NEVER CEDE CONTROL!!!!
I guess it was a follow up to last night where things were great, but nothing was quite where I would’ve put it. I need to learn to be okay with not being in control! As above, I guess.
Heather declares “Hee Hee. You are not the host of everything.”
But I could be.
Oh, I could be.