So I posted this today after a follow-up interaction with a new friend at the open mic in Frederick, MD (the woman with the sweetest dog).
“I Love when :
Someone says “holy crap, only two artists have made me sit up and take notice in the last couple of years and you’re one of them”
(paraphrasing, she said it better)
And then it turns out the other artist is someone *I* really admire.
(paraphrasing, I *really* mean – “holy shit that guy is so good”)
And then it turns out it’s another artist who you’ve known forEVER on a personal level so you get to share the compliment with him.
(still not being strictly literal – I mean, not FOREVER really, just about 20 years)
Anywho – Daniel Lee – we Love you and we miss you and I’m flattered to be mentioned in the same breath.
I mean – I’m still not being quite literal – it wasn’t the same breath. More like a couple of excited, breathless paragraphs and a follow up text.”

And then our old friend Daniel Lee, fresh back from South America, because some people don’t get bogged down in mundanity, replies…
“this post, rumination, sentiment, picture, all of it… is like the highest calibre of jewel which could even be scraped from the river-sediment of all the zuck-programming…for one, it stirred up convo, inquisitiveness, query, upon studying the details of this image. ‘those homer-slides!’ ‘i don’t even really remember them!.. where ARE they?’ ‘look at those highlights in your hair.. whattt’ ‘i dunno, i think i basically wanted hair like steve vai’…. ‘oh look, still using that very same gigbag… it’s literally been EVERYwhere…’but moreso, i am known to be quite effusive about you as a human, rob. i don’t even know to what degree you know this. but it’s like.. there are qualities, why are they so *rare*..? that if they could be sprinkled upon humanity even in the smallest capacity, we’d all be sitting in a much better world. for realz.i only know a bit if the context here but it’s safe to say my day’s made. i thank the part of your brain that went, yea, i’ma go ahead and post that.”
I think I needed that. A little Love from someone new and someone old. There were follow up posts from people that we’d both inspired. I needed those too.
“You’re both legends!!! Seriously, I knew you both from a time when I was just getting into producing and recording and playing shows (all of that in little ol college park) and I was really influenced by both of you in different but important ways.
Rob Hinkal I don’t know if you even realize or remember this or me, but you were one of this first people I met that was playing out all the time when I was just being introduced to the live music scene, bc I wasn’t really doing any music outside of my parents basement until mid-college. For one, it was awesome to see someone really doing their own thing and being themselves. Really unique stuff that nobody could copy and I couldn’t identy where it came from. Two, you represented the fact that there was a scene to be a part of and I wanted in.
Thank you both for existing in my story too!“
Thanks Scott. The story keeps on rolling.