After having to cancel this past Sunday for the heat, and knowing that over-hundred-degree temperatures are just too frequent a thing between 5-7pm on any day, I asked Jeni if there was any night Little Market Cafe could give me a later time slot…. and so Thursday was offered, and Thursday was taken – and tonight we had our first Thursday night open mic!
I had many a usual suspect, which I was grateful for, because outside of them it was a DEAD night. It’d been a dead day. Brutally hot, with every weather service swearing we were about to be hammered by thunderstorms, it scared off most everyone, but we braved the threat and had a beautiful, relaxed, and even sort of COOL evening.
And so…

+/- weather, we plan to have the Ellicott City Main Street Open Air Open Mic every THURSDAY from 7-9 in Parking Lot D, in the Little Market Cafe’s courtyard – as long as the weather allows! Signup at 4.30pm. Family-friendly environment, 2 songs / 10 minutes, whichever’s shorter…