This morning we got up and OUT. And it was good to do so. The cat was unimpressed and walked away as we insisted upon our farewells, but he’s a cat so I guess such things are to be expected.
This Trip is not a Tour. I think I used to be pretty lofty about the terminology on that front from the point of view that our travels were about people and experience, and not a “TOUR” as professionals view them – but perhaps mostly because I’ve found – as friends talk about their tours, that in my opinion they’re doing it wrong. Zigging and zagging across the nation, rarely slowing down to smell the roses, see the dinosaurs, eat the roadkill jerky, whathaveyou.

Perhaps that’s one of the rare positives of Instagram and social media in general? Touring now HAS to include obligatory photo stops so that people can FOMO the fuck out of one another.
Indeed. I’ve been craving the road and at least 25% of that crave has been externally inspired by ingesting the Feeds.
IN ANY CASE. We got up and OUT and northbound for a trip that WAS supposed to involve 3 shows, but which got downsized by an angsty Home Ownership Association (this term wasn’t coming to mind, thankfully Kristen was there to answer the question “what’s it called? Neighbourhood peeps who are angsty about your lawn?” “HOA? aka BITCHES?!”) gettin’ nasty about our scheduled house concert. There’s an appeal in September, which looks hopeful, but will be far too late for OUR purposes.

IN ANY CASE 2.0 we ride the highways north, passing signs and crossing lines and eventually landing at Kristen’s mom’s doorstep in time for humming bird watching and ilyAIMY watching… we rolled in with enough time to tune in and clap for Rowan’s Live from the Lair. Chris Ehrich served as co-host and kept trying to get US to do a tune too, but we stayed firmly as talking, clapping heads, there for conversation and support, not to perform.
We watched the birds, had dinner, appreciated the post-drive joy, and made our plans…